What exactly is care home PR and marketing, what does it achieve, and how?
What’s involved?
In this podcast episode you’ll learn:
- The essentials of how marketing and PR for care homes can help attract more enquiries, including from private pays, and help increase occupancy and revenue faster so enabling you to always deliver quality care.
- The different objectives PR and marketing for your care homes can have.
- The various techniques in PR and marketing for care homes. And the difference between “outbound” and “inbound”
- The vital role of “word of mouth” in inbound marketing, involving someone recommending your home to somebody and that person getting in touch with you.
- How you can increase “inbound” enquiries to your home by, for example, ongoing positive media exposure, Google pay-per-click, door drops, advertising and Facebook engagement.
- Why an “outbound” strategy is different for care homes compared to other businesses because, of course, you can never cold call prospective families with the lines: “Oh, I wonder if you have a loved one needing a care home!”.
For care homes an outbound strategy may centre around encouraging VIPs or “influencers” e.g. dementia professionals, GPs, commissioners, to visit your home.
This “outbound” strategy aims to ensure key people or “influencers” visit your home and they in turn inform other people in your area about the wonderful care your home provides.