Media Exposure For Richmond Care Home
Enquiries at Rosecare’s home in Derbyshire were below the desired level.
Richmond home in Shirebrook was operating at below capacity and enquiries from potential residents were one per month.
After completing a “Diagnostics And Fill Beds Faster success plan” it was decided that a campaign should focus on raising the profile of the home among both the local public, as potential self-funders, and referral agencies.
Stories for the local media showcased the home’s good CQC rating, its intergenerational relationships with the community and innovative activities such as taking residents to the swimming baths.
These stories were “boosted” to maximum effect on social media.
Plus, ‘Accelerated engagement’ plans encouraged visitors to the home’s Facebook page to ‘share’ themed posts on the home’s care to generate a £1 donation to a charity.

More Media Exposure For Richmond Care Home
Being seen to support local organisations such as Derbyshire Carers not only enhanced the home’s reputation but also built awareness and relationships with key audiences.
* Each good news story showcasing the home and its care reached more than tens of thousands of people via local media
* 88% of people reached by the accelerated engagement on Facebook were new audiences for the home
To further help the home “get noticed” among stakeholders, a contact database was developed and bi-monthly e-shots distributed to put Richmond care home front and centre in the minds of local health and social care professionals, neighbouring businesses, related charities and more.
Feedback from local authority commissioners included:
“This news is excellent, well done to you all at Richmond. Please can I have permission to add this to my newsletter. It is heart-warming to see Dignity at the heart of all you do.” DF, Adult Social Care, Derbyshire CC
Awards were the final element of raising the home’s profile and Richmond was entered for two Great British Care Awards.
The home was shortlisted as a regional finalist in both categories which the home could then use in future marketing and on its website.
* Over 6-months, monthly enquiries almost tripled
* Two permanent residents moved into the home, raising income by more than £60,000 (assuming occupancy for 12 months) and further four had stayed at the home for respite care.
Example Results From Accelerated Engagement campaigns on Facebook
Derbyshire Carers Association fundraising
* 77% of audience reached were non-fans, so introducing the home to a new audience
* 250 ‘shares’ of posts during the week
* Total reach of 16,389 – with a £50 boost
* Generated numerous positive comments about care at the home
* Boosted post alone reached 6,194 and generated 348 reactions and 36 comments
Pets as Therapy fundraising
* Posts reached a total of more than 36,000
* 88% of people were ‘non-fans’ of the page
* Campaign generated 30 new page ‘likes’
* The boosted post had a reach of almost 9,500 people in just four days with a £50 spend