How can “amplified word of mouth” help attract more enquiries to your care home and help fill beds faster? Particularly if you’re seeking more private pay families or you want a waiting list that will help you to increase your weekly fees and secure more revenue.
Remember you can never “sell” your care home beds by cold-calling someone and asking “would your loved one like to be a resident here?” That would be plain ridiculous.
Instead “word of mouth” is – I’m sure you would a agree – a massive referral driver.
However, word of mouth is limited to your established network of families, healthcare professionals, commissioners or local authority contacts, for example.
What about “amplifying” that word of mouth to audiences and prospective families who do not already know of you and have no idea about the care you offer?
This video reveals three essential things you must implement to amplify word of mouth for your care or nursing home.
1) Regular and ongoing media exposure. By securing once-a-month exposure in your local media, you are ensuring five, sometimes tens, of thousands more people learn about what is happening at your home.
I’m not talking about adverts. Anyone can pay to place an ad.
I’m referring to journalists writing positive stories about your home.
2) Ensure your Facebook page for your home is “on fire” with record-breaking engagement and reaching record-breaking local audiences.
3) Have once-a-month events to entice people to your home who will then go outside into your community and tell others about the care you provide.
So, for example, make a list of the top 20 most important people who have never visited your home but you feel would be a key influencer in helping “amplify” that word of mouth.
And do your utmost to attract them into your home.
It might mean inviting them to cream and scones prepared by your chef or a lunch or special dementia seminar for an exclusive group of four or five healthcare professionals?
Do whatever it takes to attract them into the home.
Remember, you are not “selling” or “marketing” anything, and you’re not saying “we’ve got xx beds available.”
What you’re doing is getting them into the home and they then leave and broadcast about how good your home is.
That’s what amplified word of mouth is.
Make sure you implement at least one of these three must-dos if you want to get more enquiries and fill beds faster.
* Get Video On 7 Vital Ways To Fill Your Care Home Beds Faster Via PR And Marketing