In this episode off the Care CEO Success Stories podcast, Sam Hawker, managing director of AbleCare Homes discusses the significance of internal awards in enhancing workplace culture and employee motivation.

Sam provides tips on how your care provider can use the power of internal awards, including:

  • Placing an emphasis on a “supportive and positive” work environment.
  • The role of internal awards in recognising employee contributions and achievements.
  • The differences between internal and external awards, highlighting the benefits of internal recognition.
  • How the nomination and selection process for internal awards work.
  • Publishing and sharing the criteria used to evaluate and select award winners, ensuring fairness and transparency.
  • An overview of the annual awards ceremony and the importance of the atmosphere, venue, and key activities in creating an exciting evening.
  • Notable moments and success stories from previous awards events that “exemplify the impact of recognition”.
  • How internal awards contribute to increased job satisfaction and motivation among employees.
  • Testimonials and feedback from staff members about the influence of receiving awards.
  • Upcoming changes or enhancements to the internal awards program.
  • Strategies for maintaining high levels of engagement and morale among staff.
  • Tips and best practices for implementing an effective internal awards program.
  • How other care organisations can tailor their recognition programs to fit their unique cultures.

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