Care operator Peter Allen Investments approached us for PR and marketing initiatives to help increase enquiries and occupancy at two of their Somerset nursing homes, Clevedon Court and Manor Park.
After completing a Diagnostics And Fill Beds Faster success plan it was decided that a priority was to re-design the homes’ websites in order to impress prospective family members landing on the websites.
The new sites had also to be the most attractive for prospective families in the region, and to have a stand-out look and feel and personal touch when compared to competitor homes.

Manor Park nursing home website – before and after!
It was also a priority to start securing ongoing positive media exposure locally for the homes on stories that would focus on the (i) quality of care (ii) innovative activities and events, and (iii) community relationships nursing homes had.
The “PR deliverables” included how silent discos at Manor Park were having a “remarkable effect” on people with dementia, to highlight how the home’s innovative activities and the care team strives to support the residents to live well with dementia, and also Clevedon Court’s animal therapy initiative.
Both nursing homes also made improvements to their system of managing and recording enquiries.
* By the end of a 6-month campaign 5 extra beds were full at Clevedon Court and 3 extra beds at Manor Park, totaling an additional revenue of £402,428 (presuming occupancy stayed at this new level for 12 months).
* Get Free Video On 7 PR and Marketing Things You Must Do To Fill Your Care Or Nursing Home Beds Faster

Local media article highlighted key messages about Manor Park’s innovative activities and how the care team strives to support the residents to live well with dementia