What did one nursing home do to help it secure 49% more enquiries at the height of the Covid pandemic?
A “requires improvement” 52-bed nursing home in Reigate, Surrey, was attracting no more than 5 enquiries per month.
Self-funding enquiries had dropped to 1 or 2 per month. Occupancy was down to 43.
The home, with 3 key competitors, was losing £468,000 in revenue per year.
During a “Diagnostics” it was apparent PR and marketing campaigns could amplify its care quality 10x more than it was doing.
PR/marketing campaigns that could be implemented included using Facebook to reach tens of thousands of targeted local people per month, rather than a few hundred.
The home’s staff did not have the knowledge on how to use Facebook most effectively.
Plus the home was failing to secure regular and ongoing positive media exposure in local media, read by target families.
Moreover, the home had no comprehensive email database for email campaigns to keep the home ‘front of mind’ for prospective families, key regional influencers and stakeholders.

Ongoing positive media exposure for nursing home in Reigate, Surrey
Success Plan:
A plan was implemented aiming to “put the home in more people’s minds – to AMPLIFY word of mouth and increase dramatically ‘local knowledge’ of the home’
The plan kicked off with a “How Facebook Can Promote Your Care Home Workshop” for key staff members.
This tailor-made Zoom workshop covered: (i) Why promote your home in the first place? (ii) Who do you want to promote your home to? Families, partners, local professionals, local authority, commissioners? (iii) Why Facebook? (iv) Getting proactive in engagement (v) Consent? and (vi) Who Has Control
An email database (GDPR considerations included) was compiled of health and social care groups/professionals, sports and social clubs, churches, NHS contacts, journalists, commissioners + continuing healthcare, wealth managers, relevant charities, solicitors, businesses local councilors, MPs, and enquiring families
Consistent media outreach and “accelerated engagement” on Facebook.
Highlight Results
- Repeated print, online and radio coverage, including Surrey Mirror, BBC Radio Surrey, InYourArea.co.uk, Reigate.uk
- Facebook posts reached over 37,000 people in Reigate
- ‘Accelerated engagement’ Facebook campaign reached 28,560 people in 7-days
- Organic Facebook post reach increased 2769% from 16 people who saw the Facebook posts at least once (in the 6-months prior to campaign) to 459 people.
- Tailor-made email contact database with 180 targeted contacts.
- Bi-monthly e-shots with open rate of 44% and click rate of 13.3%
Overall Result:
- 49% increase in recorded enquiries, averaging 6.7 per month. This was at the height of the Covid pandemic