Are you a care home wanting to use Facebook to ‘talk to’ and engage with your local community, families of residents, prospect staff and prospect resident families?
If you’ve already got a Facebook page for your home running you’ll likely have discovered it’s a wonderful avenue to engage with target audiences for your home, while also operating as an important marketing/awareness tool
Plus, by looking at the Facebook data you’ll have likely found out that photos and videos are, by far, what gets most interest, in terms of ‘shares’, ‘likes’ and comments. Facebook calls this ‘engagement’.
This is all ‘run of the mill’ engagement activity every home with a Facebook page should be doing as a matter or course.
But what about ‘acclerated engagement’ with your local community, whereby you do some particular Facebook activity that dramatically improves the engagement rate of your Facebook page?
How can you do this?
One tried and tested method is to run a Facebook-hosted competition.
Here, for example, is one competition we ran for a care home.
* The ‘Win A Food Hamper’ competition was in order to drive engagement with the home’s social media channels, primarily Facebook, and encourage ‘sharing’ of page and increase reach to new audiences.
* The competition ran for 2 weeks.
Here’s the stand out Facebook engagement data…
- The ‘Win A Food Hamper’ Facebook competition had the highest organic reach of any previous Facebook post from the care home over the last two years
- Page ‘Likes’ for the home’s Facebook page went up over the course of the campaign by 23% (312 – 383 ‘likes’)
- The ‘Win A Food Hamper’ Facebook competition had more ‘shares’ than any other post
- Competition entries totaled a cool 140
What’s the lesson here for every care home?
If you want to rapidly increase the reach and engagement of your Facebook page among your target local audiences and families, it’s run a competition!
Want a chat about how to ‘accelerate’ engagement for your care home’s Facebook page?
Please email me – – to hop on call to learn more?
Adam James